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ESAs Publish Templates And Tools For Voluntary Dry Run Exercise To Support The DORA Implementation

Date 31/05/2024

The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – the ESAs) today published templates, technical documents and tools for the dry run exercise on the reporting of registers of information in the context of Digital Operation Resilience Act (DORA) announced in April 2024

The materials published today include:

  • templates for the registers of information with example (in Excel);
  • draft technical package for reporting, including data point model (DPM),annotated table layout and validation rules;
  • optional tool (VBA macro) to assist with the conversion of Excel templates into .csv files and .zip files for their submission;
  • frequently asked questions regarding the exercise.

All these materials are available on the dry run exercise webpage.

Financial entities can use these materials and tools to prepare and report their registers of information of contractual arrangements on the use of ICT third-party service providers in the context of the dry run exercise, and to understand supervisory expectations for the reporting of such registers from 2025 onwards. 

Next steps

The participating financial entities are expected to submit their registers of information to the ESAs through their competent authorities between 1 July and 30 August. 


The ESAs invite financial entities to take part in a dedicated workshop on 10 June 2024 from 10:00 to 12:00 with the aim to support their participation in the dry run exercise and introduce the materials and tools published today. 

The workshop will be held virtually, and interested parties are invited to register by 5 June using the following link.


The ESAs note that following the specification of the dry run exercise as announced in April, materials and tools published today are meant solely for the purposes of the dry run exercise as they are (1) based on the Final report on the Draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on registers of information published and submitted in January 2024 by the ESAs to the EU Commission for adoption and, therefore, do not reflect the final legal act adopted by the EU Commission, (2) presented in a draft form (DPM and validation rules). The final technical package for the steady-state reporting, which will start in 2025, will be published later in the year.