Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Equiduct OrangeVBBO Sheds Light On Market Fragmentation

Date 04/12/2008

Equiduct, the pan-European platform, today announces the launch of a major marketing initiative for the OrangeVBBO, a European real-time consolidated tape for liquid equities. The OrangeVBBO consolidates all the relevant market data (including currently the London Stock Exchange, Chi-X, Turquoise, BATS, Nasdaq OMX, Xetra and NYSE Euronext markets) into a single virtual book. Thus it presents not only an unbiased price benchmark for Exchange and MTF traded liquid stocks, but also the true best price, mathematically derived.

Artur Fischer, Joint CEO of Equiduct Trading said: “In an increasingly fragmented market, the OrangeVBBO is committed to the endorsement and proliferation of the data as a must-have reference point ahead for the buy-side to ensure they secure real best execution and pricing. The buy-side have been trading in the dark with no clear consolidated view of market pricing. Our OrangeVBBO gives the market participants the essential transparency.”

The OrangeVBBO is available free for two price points (Standard Market Size and Retail Market Size) at, from Bloomberg (stock symbol with suffix “.BQ”) and Thomson Reuters (stock symbol with suffix “.EDv”). Equiduct also offers an innovative visualisation tool, that provides fast, real-time insight into full market depth and prices.

To promote the advantages of the OrangeVBBO, Equiduct is initiating an extensive advertising print and online campaign combined with targeted local initiatives in London and Edinburgh involving advertising, direct mail and online campaigns. The programme is aimed to emphasise the versatility of the instrument to buy-side trading houses across the major UK investment areas, providing the potential for significant cost and time savings.