Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Enhanced Customer Service On CBOT's Open Auction Markets

Date 09/10/2003

Greater use of order routing and trade confirmation devices leads to record-setting 73% of all fills on the agricultural floor being electronically confirmed and processed during September. A daily record of 75% was set on September 29.

On the financial floor, electronic order routing and trade confirmation devices were used to handle a record 58% of all fills during September. A daily record of 68% was set on September 29.

This CBOT® open auction technology has enabled brokerage firms and their brokers to enhance customer service through faster trade confirmations. Firms have increased their efficiency through the straight-thru-processing enabled by this electronic order routing.

Local floor traders have benefited from the valuable features on the handheld devices used for both pit trade recordation and access to a/c/e electronic trading.

More than 500 trading support devices currently are being used on the CBOT trading floor. See the e-cbot® floor technology section of the CBOT website for more information on the features and availability of this technology for you.

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