The European Energy Exchange EEX released its turnover figures for the month of June on Monday: 1,415 gigawatt hours (GWh) were traded on the integrated spot and futures market. EEX is thus continuing to expand its position as the largest and most liquid electricity exchange in Continental Europe. The June total comprises 861 GWh in the spot market, and roughly 554 GWh in the futures market. The six-month total for the spot market this year is 4,356 GWh traded; some 3,346 GWh have been traded in the futures market, which has been in operation since March.
The turnover of 861 GWh in the spot market is the second-highest monthly total since the market was launched in August last year (highest in May 2001, with 1,043 GWh). Of the total traded in June, 84 GWh were in single hours and 777 GWh in blocks, 510 GWh in baseload blocks and 267 GWh in peakload blocks.
On the EEX futures market, 554 GWh were traded in June. The bulk of this turnover was in baseload futures, with 375 GWh, and 179 GWh in peakload futures.