Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

EEX Turns Over 1.3 TWh In Integrated Spot And Futures Market In July - Second Highest Turnover In Spot Market - Three New Trading Participants

Date 01/08/2001

EEX European Energy Exchange reported its turnover figures for the month of Juli on Wednesday, showing that 1.3 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity were traded on the integrated spot and futures market. July figures are in line with the previous months figures of 1.4 TWh. Trading figures of 913,778 MWh for the spot market showed the second highest turnover since the launch of the spot market in August last year. The futures market posted trading figures of 361,836 MWh. Since the launch of the EEX futures market in March 3.7 TWh have been traded in electricity futures.

The July total of 913,778 MWh for the spot market comprises 80.270 MWh traded in single hours and 833,508 MWh in blocks, 631,344 MWh in baseload blocks and 202,164 MWh in peakload blocks.

On Wednesday, EEX also announced that three new participants have been admitted to EEX. The Dutch company Nuon Energie and Water and the Swiss company TXU Europe Energy Trading B.V. have been admitted to trade on the spot market, Enron Europe Xchange Trading Ltd, have been admitted to the futures market. This means than there are now 57 participants from seven countries trading on the integrated spot and futures market. A total of 10 banks provide clearing services for EEX.