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EEX Transparency Platform To Be Expanded With Power Market Data From Switzerland – Swisselectric Becomes New Partner

Date 13/05/2013

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) and swisselectric have concluded an agreement whereby the swisselectric members, Axpo Group (AxpoPower AG, Axpo Trading AG, Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AG), Alpiq and BKW will report generation and storage data from Switzerland on the EEX “Transparency in Energy Markets” transparency platform ( from the end of 2013. The integrated Swiss electricity suppliers that are members of swisselectric produce more than 50 TWh annually, covering a large part of the Swiss power generation (2012: 68 TWh, according to the International Energy Agency).

“We are pleased that, with swisselectric, we have found an important partner for the transparency platform”, confirms Steffen Köhler, Chief Operating Officer of EEX. “As a European power hub, Switzerland is of central importance for trading. And the publication of power data from Switzerland further promotes the standardisation of transparency publications“.

By using the “Transparency in Energy Markets” platform, the swisselectric members are complying with their obligation to publish insider information in accordance with the European REMIT ordinance and the Swiss Electricity Supply Regulation (StromVV). They require, amongst other aspects, the publication of data on the capacity, use and availability of plants for the generation, storage, transmission and consumption of electric power.

The market participants and the interested public will benefit from a uniform publication procedure and also from the comparability of data from Germany/Austria, the CzechRepublic and Switzerland. Furthermore, a new data section will be established on the transparency platform with the publication of data on power storage.

The companies intend to publish data on both power generation and power storage. In accordance with the established publication procedure, data on the installed capacity, the planned and actual production as well as planned and unplanned non-availabilities of the reporting power plants in the statutory and voluntary segment will be reported on the platform. In addition to the installed pumping capacity of the pumped storage power plants, the publication of data on power storage will comprise the filling levels of the reservoirs as well as planned and unplanned non-availabilities.

In addition to the data publication, the Transparency Platform will be able to report these to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the national authorities, including the Swiss Federal Electricity Commission ElCom.

“Transparency in Energy Markets” is the neutral platform for energy market data which fulfils the statutory publication requirements and implements voluntary commitmentsof market participants. The transparency platform for generation and consumption data ( was established by EEX together with the fourGerman transmission system operators – 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, AmprionGmbH, TenneT TSO GmbH and TransnetBW GmbH and the Austrian transmissionsystem operator Austrian Power Grid AG. The platform is developed further andexpanded in cooperation with the following associations; BDEW, Oesterreichs Energie,VKU, VIK, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and the Federal Network Agency.EEX is in charge of the operation of the platform, which comprises plausibilitychecking, anonymisation, aggregation and publication of the data reported. At present,47 companies from Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic submit data to the platform.