"We are using the simulation to test trading on the Xetra system with every single one of our customers individually," as the two Executive Board members Christian Geyer and Hans E. Schweickardt explained. In the simulation, EEX is falling back on the Deutsche Börse Group's experience with the introduction of trading systems. "We want to ensure that our customers are optimally prepared for trading at EEX from the very first day on," as EEX stated.
During the simulation, all exchange transactions are tested together with the participants. All of the parties involved in exchange trading, such as trading participants, clearing participants, grid operators and balance circle responsibles (Bilanzkreisverantwortliche) of the trading participants, are included in the simulation tests.
The simulation is divided into three parts. In the first phase, the guided simulation, every participant is taken care of individually in the test of the most important trading functions. Then, in the subsequent phases, all parties are involved in the simulation. Every participant in the second phase, the free simulation, tests the flows on the system on their own within a certain period of time. In the third part, the real-time simulation, the tests run for three full trading days within the EEX trading hours.