Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

EEX Trading Results And New Admissions In January

Date 03/02/2009

Electricity trading volume on the European Energy Exchange (EEX) in January 2009 totalled 91.8 TWh, compared with 123.5 TWh in January 2008.

This includes 13,342,787 MWh (January 2008: 14,246,135 MWh) traded on the electricity Spot Market, where the average base load price (Phelix Base Month) for the month was 57.12 Euro/MWh and the peak load price (Phelix Peak Month) 76.27 Euro/MWh.

Intraday volume in January 2009 was 252,685 MWh.

On the Swiss electricity Spot Market January volume was 680,024 MWh.

Trading volume in electricity derivatives in January 2009 totalled 78.4 TWh (January 2008: 109.2 TWh). This includes 59.8 TWh from OTC clearing. The Open Interest at 30 January 2009 was 316.1 TWh. The 2010 base load price for German electricity was fixed at 51.29 Euro/MWh on 30 January 2009 and the 2010 peak load price at 75.96 Euro/MWh.

On 16 January 2009 EEX started spot trading of EU Allowances (EUA) for the second, trading period. A total of 191,340 EU Allowances (EUA) were traded on the Spot Market in January, compared with 443,242 EUAs in January 2008. During the month, the Carbix (Carbon Index) ranged between 10.55 Euro/EUA and 15.10 Euro/EUA.

A total of 4,883,000 EU Allowances (EUA) (4,142,000 EUAs January 2008) was traded on the EEX Derivatives Market in January. The 2009 contract was fixed at 11.85 Euro/EUA on 30 January 2009, and the 2010 contract at 12.18 Euro/EUA.

As of 26 March 2008, it is possible to trade CER Futures on the EEX (Certified Emission Reductions), global emission credits in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol. In January a volume of 70,000 CERs was traded. On 30 January 2009, the 2009 contract traded at 10.45 Euro/CER and the 2010 contract at 10.39 Euro/CER.

In January, the total Spot Market volume for natural gas (GUD and NCG market areas) was 237,120 MWh (70,080 MWh January 2008). The Spot Market price for the delivery of natural gas ranged between 19.50 Euro/MWh and 32.00 Euro/MWh.

Volumes on the Derivatives Market for natural gas (GUD and NCG market areas) amounted to 1,124,220 MWh (569,810 MWh January 2008). On 30 January 2009, the open interest was 3,883,894 MWh. On 30 January 2009 natural gas prices for delivery in 2010 were fixed at 21.50 Euro/MWh (GUD) and 22.23 Euro/MWh (NCG), respectively.

EEX currently has 216 member companies from 19 countries. In January, Interenergo, energetski inženiring, d.d., Ljubljana, was admitted to the EEX Spot Market and Derivatives Market. SJB Energy Trading B.V., Brielle/The Netherlands, and another company have cancelled their membership.