Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

EEX Trading Results And New Admissions In February

Date 04/03/2008

Electricity trading volume on the European Energy Exchange (EEX) in February 2008 totalled 96.5 TWh, compared with 138.0 TWh in February 2007.

This includes 13,326,249 MWh (February 2007: 10,514,996 MWh) traded on the elec-tricity Spot Market, where the average base load price (Phelix Base Month) for the month was 59.47 Euro/MWh and the peak load price (Phelix Peak Month) 74.00 Euro/MWh.

Intraday volume in February 2008 was 129,460 MWh (February 2007: 68,887 MWh).

On the Swiss electricity Spot Market February 2008 volume was 435,463 MWh (Febru-ary 2007: 273,680 MWh).

Trading volume in electricity derivatives in February 2008 totalled 83.1 TWh (February 2007: 127.5 TWh). This includes 62.3 TWh from OTC clearing. The Open Interest at 29 February 2008 was 287.9 TWh. The 2009 base load price for German electricity was fixed at 64.85 Euro/MWh on 29 February 2008 and the 2009 peak load price at 89.65 Euro/MWh.

A total of 77,062 EU Allowances (EUA) were traded on the Spot Market in February, compared with 665,381 EUAs in February 2007. During the month, the Carbix (Carbon Index) ranged between 0.02 Euro/EUA and 0.04 Euro/EUA.

Volume on the EEX Derivatives Market was 5,780,000 EUAs (242,000 EUAs February 2007). The 2008 contract was fixed at 21.34 Euro/EUA on 29 February 2008, and the 2009 contract at 21.82 Euro/EUA.

In July 2007, EEX launched natural gas trading. In February 2008, the total Spot Mar-ket volume (BEB and E.ON GT market areas) was 69,840 MWh. The Spot Market price for the delivery of natural gas ranged between 21.00 Euro/MWh and 24.60 Euro/MWh.

Volumes on the Derivatives Market (BEB and E.ON GT market areas) amounted to 725,500 MWh. On 29 February 2008, the open interest was 1,181,840 MWh. On 29 February 2008 natural gas prices for delivery in 2009 were fixed at 26.20 Euro/MWh (BEB) and 26.89 Euro/MWh (E.ON GT), respectively.

EEX currently has 198 member companies from 20 countries. Esperia SRL, Milano, was admitted to the EEX Spot and Derivatives Market in February. Markedskraft ASA, Arendal/Norway, was admitted to the EEX Derivatives Market. The membership of Eurel GmbH, Hamburg, was cancelled. Within the EEX/Eurex cooperation in emissions trading the Royal Bank of Canada Europe Ltd., London, was admitted to the EEX Derivatives Market.