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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

EEX Launches CO2 Products For Airline Industry

Date 07/02/2012

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) will soon offer emission allowances for the airline industry for trading. The so-called European Aviation Allowances (EUAA) are special EU emission allowances which can only be used by airline companies for compliance purposes.

EEX is planning to launch the Derivatives Market for EUAA at the beginning of the second quarter and a Spot Market is to be established by mid-2012. With this step EEX makes an active contribution to the further development of EU emissions trading (EUETS) and opens its market for a new group of participants. The European airline industryis the second biggest industry to be integrated into EU-ETS after the energy suppliers.

As of 2012, all airlines flying to and from Europe are obliged to cover their carbon dioxide emissions with emission allowances. In order to fulfil their commitments in the framework of EU-ETS, aircraft operators can submit both EUAA and regular EU emission allowances (EUA) or certified emission reductions (CER).

On 8 and 9 February 2012, EEX and Eurex will be present at the “Aviation Carbon 2012” trade fair in London with their own stand where they will present their CO2 product range.

EEX and Eurex offer their participants a platform for trading in EUA Futures, CER Futures and options on EUA Futures. Within the framework of this co-operation, which was launched in December 2007, Eurex participants can trade the CO2 derivatives products listed on EEX through their existing infrastructure and a simplified admission process.