Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

EEX Group Volumes – March 2024

Date 08/04/2024

EEX Group reports its March 2024 volumes with the following highlights:

  • EEX Group global power markets continue their strong growth also in March 2024, with a total of 1,057 TWh traded on the spot and derivatives markets (+39% YoY).
  • Volumes on the European power spot markets increased by 12% YoY, reaching a total of 72.9 TWh. In March, EPEX SPOT registered new monthly records on the German Day-Ahead markets as well as intraday markets in the Netherlands and Great Britain.
  • March recorded a significant growth also in European power derivatives with an increase of 74% YoY, and new monthly records in German and French Power Futures. On 25 March, EEX launched zonal power futures for 12 Nordic bidding zones, with 32,811 MWh traded until the end of the month.
  • Trading in Japanese Power Futures continued its strong growth trend, reaching 4.1 TWh, constituting a 249% growth YoY.
  • European emissions trading rose by 18% in total, with emissions derivatives increasing by 50% YoY. North American environmental contracts reported a 25% growth YoY.
  • European Dairy Futures increased by 12% to 4,560 traded contracts (equals 22,800 tonnes). In Q1/2024, EEX Dairy Futures reached its highest quarterly volume ever with 84,090 tonnes traded (prev. record: 67,720 tonnes traded in Q1/2023).


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