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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

EEX: Further Steps Towards More Transparency Implemented - Standard Messages – Installed Capacity Per Power Plant – Illustration Of Degree Of Publication

Date 21/05/2007

As announced at the beginning of the year, the EEX transpar-ency initiative launched in April 2006 will be expanded further. In co-operation with EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg, E.ON Energie AG, Electrabel Deutschland AG, RWE AG, TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG and Vattenfall Europe AG new steps have been approved in order to further improve the range of information regarding power plant data. These steps have now been implemented and new standards have been set.

As of 10:00 am today, so-called “Standard Messages“ for the following day, which are reported to the exchange by the respective company until 9:00 am, will be published in a manner integrated into the new EEX internet site. On the one hand, the Standard Reports refer to technical problems in the transmission of data regarding the available capacity and regarding effective generation. On the other hand, expected restrictions on account of cooling water limitations, stretch-out operation or orders by authorities regarding generation are reported. The reports are published on the internet site of the exchange at in a manner aggregated as per energy source and cause of the change as well as anonymously.

The new range of information offered is supplemented by the publication of the in-stalled capacity per power plant. Moreover, the user can view information regarding the name and site of the power plant, energy carriers as well as the operator shown on a map of Germany or Austria.

In the near future, the current degree of publication regarding the installed capacity will be illustrated with the help of diagrams. These will provide information on the share of the published installed capacity compared with the total capacity installed in Germany or Austria.

By now, the number of companies taking part in the transparency initiative has more than tripled from originally four to a total of more than 14 today. It is considered a role model for other initiatives of this type in Europe and is based on a voluntary commit-ment entered into by the companies. And the initiative will be continued.

European Energy Exchange (EEX) operates a Spot and a Derivatives Market for en-ergy products. With currently more than 160 trading participants from 19 countries it is the energy exchange in continental Europe which boasts the biggest number of trading participants and the highest turnover. Power, CO2 emission allowances and coal are traded both short-term on the Spot Market as well as long-term on the Derivatives Mar-ket with a time horizon of up to six years into the future and, moreover, trading in gas will be launched in July 2007 along the same lines. Clearing of exchange and over-the-counter transactions (OTC clearing) is provided by European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC). ECC is the clearing house of EEX and a subsidiary of the exchange.