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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

EEX´ CO2 Emission Allowances Trading With A Restrained Start - 88 Participants In The First Eight Weeks – So Far About 150.000 Allowances Traded – Nationwide Road Show To Inform About Exchange Trading

Date 05/05/2005

The CO2 emission allowances trading at the European En-ergy Exchange (EEX) is restrained so far. While already 88 of the altogether 113 EEX´s Spot Market participants are activated for CO2 trades in the first eight weeks, only 144.700 of these allowances were traded. Each of them entitles to an emission of one ton of CO2. The current price is 16.00 Euro, the highest price so far was 17.70 Euro on April 20, the first and – till now – lowest quotation was 10.40 Euro on March 9th.

“With our integrated trading and clearing system and the very simple price model we offer enormous cost advantages and best infrastructure to our participants,“ com-ments Dr. Hans-Bernd Menzel, CEO of EEX, simultaneously underlining his view that the market for CO2 allowances will grow in the next years. He stresses that the EEX is well prepared for that: “IT system, clearing and settlement are working properly for electricity and CO2 and will integrate further markets in the future.”

It is possible to trade at EEX even without direct admission. For this a clearing agreement with one of the banks, that are active on EEX, is sufficient. “The trading with emission allowances then works through a bank deposit facility, alike trading with shares,” explains Menzel. Beyond market participants from the energy branch, there will, according to the EEX, be growing interest from other energy-intensive industries – especially from the pa-per, cement, chemical or metal branch. Those industries are therefore in the centre of an EEX road show (May 3 in Munich, May 4 in Frankfurt/Main, May 10 in Cologne, June 1 in Hamburg, June 2 in Berlin).

The EEX operates a Spot and a Derivatives Market for energy and energy-related products and, with 125 trading participants from 16 countries, it is the energy exchange in Continental Europe which boasts the highest number of participants and the biggest turnover. Besides electricity and electricity futures and options, since March 2005 also CO2 emission allowances are being traded. The range of services provided by EEX is complemented with related activities, such as the joint clearing of exchange transac-tions and over-the-counter transactions (OTC clearing).