The European Energy Exchange (EEX) finished the year 2006 with record sales. EEX managed to set new records with an increase of the trading volume of electricity on the EEX Spot and Derivatives Market by 88 per cent to 1,133 TWh (previous year: 602 TWh).
The volume of electricity traded on the Derivatives Market for power, which increased by 102 per cent to 1,044 TWh compared with 517 TWh during the previous year, displayed a particularly good development. On the Derivatives Market for power the base load for the year 2007 (Phelix Base Year Future) in Germany was quoted at EUR 50.70 per MWh and the peak load for the year 2007 (Phelix Peak Year) in Germany was quoted at EUR 77.97 per MWh on 27 December 2006.
The chairman of the management board of EEX, Hans-Bernd Menzel, is particularly pleased about the volume traded on the Derivatives Market: “Our expectations for the year 2006 have been exceeded by far. The doubling of the trading volume on the Derivatives Market within a period of one year impressively testifies to the high degree of liberalisation of the German market and to the decisive role which the exchange has for its development. For Menzel the result is both a confirmation and an obligation at the same time: “We have to continue the course on which we have embarked in accordance with our motto for 2007 “connecting markets“; this will include primarily the launch of gas trading on the exchange.”
Moreover, an increase of the trading volume was also achieved on the Spot Market for power. In 2006, 88.7 TWh were sold. The turnover during the previous year totalled 85.7 TWh. On average, the Spot Market prices (Phelix Day Base) amounted to EUR 50.79 per MWh during the year 2006 compared to EUR 45.98 per MWh during the previous year.
On the EEX Spot and Derivatives Market for CO2 emission allowances (EUA) a volume of in total 11,699,846 EUA was traded (previous year: 3,196,791 EUA).
On the EEX Derivatives Market for coal, which was launched on 2 May 2006, the volume from OTC clearing amounted to 1,949,000 t until the end of December.
In the course of the year 2006, the number of trading participants increased from 132 to 158 companies from a total of 19 countries (previous year: 16 countries).