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EBRD Selects Climate Focus To Support Carbon Finance In Turkey

Date 24/10/2011

Climate Focus, a  leading advisory  company  committed to  the  development of policies and projects that reduce  greenhouse  gas emissions and Gaia Carbon Finance, the  first Turkish carbon finance trading and consulting company announced today that they won an EBRD assignment to support the development of Carbon Finance in Turkey.

Together with the EBRD, Climate Focus will assist Turkey to catch up in the carbon markets. Through  their  partnership, the EBRD and  Climate Focus will address market  barriers  with  the objective of unlocking  the  potential  that carbon market has in Turkey. The activities under a new contract will be focused on introducing and developing carbon finance services at local Turkish banks, which participate in the EBRD-funded sustainable energy finance programme.

Within the  Mid-size Sustainable Energy Financing  Facility, or MidSEFF, EBRD has offered jointly with the European Investment Bank and Japan Bank for International Co-operation up to 1.1 billion in loans to Turkish banks for on-lending to private sector borrowers to undertake mid-size renewable energy, waste-to­ energy and industrial energy efficiency investments.

"Climate Focus welcomes the initiative of the EBRD to support carbon finance in Turkey. This consultancy  aims  at  boosting carbon finance in Turkey and therewith  provide an important  tool for  the  further   development   of  energy  efficiency,  large scale energy and infrastructure projects," said Adriaan Korthuis, Director of Climate Focus.

Gediz Kaya, Director of  Gaia Carbon Finance commented, "Turkey has a huge potential   for energy efficiency and sustainable energy projects. This potential can be unlocked using Carbon Finance with Turkish banks at the centre."

"In Turkey, the EBRD shares the Turkish government's strong determination to reduce energy intensity and ensure the sustainable development of the energy sector.  We also promote carbon finance, as an  important market-based instrument to leverage investments  in sustainable  energy  proj ects, as carbon credit  help to  increase projects' revenues," said Jan Willem van de Ven, senior carbon manager with the EBRD.