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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

EBA Informs On Liquidity Reporting Templates

Date 11/06/2014

The supervisory reporting templates, including those on liquidity, contained in the Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory reporting drafted by the European Banking Authority (EBA), adopted by the European Commission (EC) on 16 April 2014 and due to be published soon in the EU Official Journal, are a correct legal transposition of the relevant provisions laid down in the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR).   

However, following the adoption of these ITS, some additional technical issues have emerged relating to the mapping of the liquidity templates (Annex XII) onto the underlying data point model (Annex XIV).  These constitute only a small number of the many templates adopted as part of the ITS on supervisory reporting as adopted on 16th April.

In order to provide a pragmatic solution to these issues, and to ensure an efficient and smooth reporting and processing of important liquidity data, DG MARKT services and the EBA have agreed that either the templates published on the Commission website on 16 April, or the relevant liquidity files published on the EBA website on 2 December 2013, can be used for the purposes of liquidity reporting in accordance with the EC implementing act. This is an exceptional measure given the specific circumstances of the situation and the urgent need to progress liquidity reporting.

These issues will be resolved at the earliest opportunity and, at the latest, when the liquidity templates are reviewed following the entry into force of the pending delegated act on liquidity coverage ratio (LCR).

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