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EBA, EIOPA And ECB Set Up A Joint Governance Framework For The Collaboration On The DPM 2.0 Standard

Date 16/04/2024


The European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Central Bank (ECB) set up a Data Point Model (DPM) alliance, establishing a common governance framework for the collaboration on the DPM 2.0 Standard. Together with the establishment of a Joint Bank reporting Committee (JBRC) between the EBA and ECB, this alliance is another step in the process of building an integrated reporting system.

Following the publication by the EBA and EIOPA of the DPM 2.0 standard in June 2023, the two ESAs together with the ECB have agreed on the common arrangements that will govern their cooperation on DPM 2.0 (the DPM alliance).

Under the DPM alliance, the EBA, EIOPA and ECB will together govern the DPM 2.0 standard and cooperate in the DPM methodology for modelling reporting requirements, the metamodel used for populating the reporting requirements and the associated documentation. 

The DPM alliance seeks to facilitate the definition and exchange of regulatory data within the financial sector; increase efficiencies and avoid duplication of efforts; promote more efficient processes for defining and communicating reporting requirements, and for collecting and exchanging data and metadata amongst reporting entities, national authorities and European authorities; and facilitate good practices in the definition and exchange of regulatory reporting data and information.

The DPM alliance is established through a Memorandum of Understanding that was signed by the EBA, ECB, and EIOPA.


The Data Point Model (DPM) is the data dictionary providing the structured representation of the data required for regulatory purposes by the EBA. It encompasses its regulatory processes and integrates the data of different EBA Technical Standards and Guidelines. The DPM may include also other data definitions relevant to the common understanding of the EBA regulatory data - business concepts and their relations, as well as their validation and calculation rules.

Since its inception, the EBA has been using the same DPM Standard 1.0 and together with the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has worked on a DPM Refit project aimed at achieving a common DPM Standard 2.0, which is better prepared to address the new challenges of regulation of financial sector.

At EBA the two models will coexist with the same integrated data during a transitional period in order to enable a smooth evolution to all stakeholders involved in regulatory processes.


Memorandum of Understanding on the DPM governance framework

(1015.05 KB - PDF)