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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

EACH’s Women In Clearing Series – Inspiration With Corinna Schempp, Head Of European Policy & Regulation, Futures Industry Association (FIA)

Date 11/02/2025

Following the successful launch of the Women in Clearing Network, in March 2024 we launched EACH’s Women in Clearing Series, an initiative with the objective of featuring a key female leader on a regular basis to inspire other professionals in the industry.

Corinna Schempp is this month’s contributor. Corinna Schempp is FIA’s Head of European Policy & Regulation, responsible for developing and implementing the association's political and regulatory engagement strategy in the EU and UK in close coordination with FIA senior policy staff. Leading FIA's Brussels office and UK policy efforts, she is also involved in evaluating pending legislation, surveying the impact of legislation on the organisation and its membership and developing responses to legislation. Corinna joined FIA in September 2014. She is a trained dual qualified lawyer, holding a post-graduate diploma in European Union law from King's College London, as well as law degrees from Germany and the UK.

Corinna has volunteered to share with us her personal and professional journey by responding to three questions:

  • What was the aspect of yourself that you had to work on the most to get to where you are now?

Thank you for the question! I guess there are a few areas where I had to put in the work to get to where I am today. One of them was certainly to build up confidence, but also resilience. There was definitely a learning curve when it came to handling failures or stepping out of my comfort zone. Managing these is all about owning a positive mindset and acknowledging that it is part of your growth. Confidence will grow if you step outside your comfort zone, and you will know when you are ready. In addition, I cannot stress enough the importance of being supported by a mentor and building a network! They can remind you that you are capable, recognise and celebrate even the smallest of achievements with you, but also provide honest feedback. You should embrace the notion that developing your career and yourself over time is a journey, but it also requires some self-compassion. 

  • What key tip would you give for professionals to successfully develop in their careers?

I would like to offer a few tips: build up skills and know-how, be fearless and take measured risks, surround yourself with positive people, the right network, and seek mentors, in particular in situations where you will benefit from shifting your perspective. A powerful skill is to remain curious and embrace change, and yes, always seek feedback to improve. Finally, be assertive when needed, while knowing that being kind and humble still wins the day.

  • How do you see the future of clearing in 10 years?

Earlier in my career I worked for a global clearing house. During that time, the CCP landscape changed tremendously, driven by regulatory change following the financial crisis when clearing was identified as one of the safe places in the financial system. Developments in clearing will continue to be fast-paced and the global regulatory change agenda will not come to a stand still. Expect impacts from AI and blockchain technology, cybersecurity and operational resilience but also faster settlement times as technology advances. Clearing and risk management is, and will, remain a complex plumbing exercise but an enormously interesting part of the global financial sector.

Learn more about Corinna by reading the attached document and using this link.

We would like to express our gratitude to Corinna for taking time to enlighten with the enriching contribution and we look forward to continuing this EACH’s Women in Clearing Series by hosting many skilled women leaders to inspire other professionals in the clearing sector!

The Women in Clearing network takes the form of a LinkedIn group that participants may use to connect with each other.