Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Direct Access and Order Routing Terminals Extended To All The USA

Date 13/08/1999

ParisBourse SBF SA has just been authorized by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission - the Federal regulatory agency for futures trading in the US - to install NSC workstations in the USA. This option was already available to GLOBEX® Associate Members under a cross-trading agreement between ParisBourse SBF SA and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The new authorization considerably extends the potential scope of distribution for the derivative products of ParisBourse SBF SA as well as those of its partners in the GLOBEX® Alliance - the CME and Simex - and Euro GLOBEX®, which brings together ParisBourse SBF SA with MEFF Renta Fija, MEFF Renta Variable, BDP-Borsa de Derivados do Porto, MIF and IDEM. Firms and individuals authorized to trade on USA futures markets may now become members of Matif and Monep, the derivatives markets of ParisBourse SBF SA, therby gaining direct access to CFTC-approved contracts which include in particular 3-month Euribor, Euro Notional and CAC 40 Index futures. The range will later be extended to futures on the Dow Jones STOXX 50 and Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 indexes. Following the CFTC's decision, USA brokers stand to benefit from significant expansion of their business scope as well as European brokers authorized to do business with clients in the USA. Whatever their physical location, these brokers will be able to trade in the products concerned on a completely equal footing with all the other members of the ParisBourse SBF SA. They will also be able to offer clients routing to these contracts subject to the condition that workstations be equipped with software to monitor positions and limits