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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

DEXIA AM To Launch On EURONEXT An ETF On Sustainable Development

Date 24/06/2003

A new tracker will be launched on 25 June 2003 by Dexia Asset Management on NextTrack, the Euronext segment dedicated to trackers.

This product, TrackinDex, will be referenced on the Dow Jones STOXX Sustainability index (DJSI STOXX), a paneuropean index launched in October 2001 in cooperation between SAM Group, Dow Jones Indexes and STOXX Limited, which tracks the performance of the leader companies regarding the respect of sustainable development criteria at a European level.

TrackinDex currently invests in approximately 180 European stocks, representing 17 countries and 18 market sectors, thus reducing systematic risks and volatility.

The launch of TrackinDex brings to 64 the total number of trackers listed on NextTrack, that are referenced on 56 different underlying indices.

Trackers, or Exchange Traded Funds (ETF), are index funds listed and traded on Euronext cash markets. These products offer the performance of an index and ally the advantages of shares (simplicity, continuous quotation), to those of the traditional funds (access to a vast choice of shares, geographic and sector-based diversifications). Created in January 2001, the Euronext NextTrack segment helps investors identify these products more easily and enables them to choose their preferred index or portfolio type from the range of trackers on offer.
NextTrack is a successful achievement and continues to shows a growing activity, with 216,334 transactions on trackers between January and May 2003, an increase of 107% compared to a year before.