Deutsche Börse Updates Composition Of Stock Indices
Date 11/11/1999
Deutsche Börse decided on the composition of its MDAX and SDAX indices on Tuesday. The shares of Stinnes AG will be included in the MDAX on December 20, taking the place of BHF Bank. It became necessary to make the replacement out of turn - the MDAX composition is usually reviewed in March and September - because the interest firmly held by ING Groep N.V, in BHF Bank (and thus not in free float) exceeds 85 percent.
Deutsche Börse also decided to drop Grohe AG from the MDAX if less than 15 percent of its shares are in free float after the end of Grohe AG's share buyback on November 22. If Grohe AG has to be taken out of the MDAX, Beate Uhse AG, currently in the SDAX, will then move up into the MDAX. and Procon Multirnedia AG will be added to the SDAX.