The Xetra share of the volume traded in equities increased further in 2001. Last year, about 88 percent of the turnover in DAX blue chips was posted through Xetra, this year it was about 94 percent. A Xetra record was set in the DAX blue chips in June with roughly 96 percent. Xetra also further expanded its market share in the MDAX (mid-cap DAX) segment, from some 55 percent to about 74 percent in 2001, peaking at about 79 percent in November this year. In the SDAX (small-cap) stocks, the Xetra share increased from about 25 percent in 2000 to about 39 percent in 2001 ? achieving the highest share of this market in October with about 47 percent.
With the Xetra US Stars and Xetra Dutch Stars, Deutsche Börse successfully established two new segments for U.S. and Dutch stocks in the market. The U.S. segment launched on September 24 contains the some 200 U.S. stocks in the indexes Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 100, Nasdaq 100 and Global Titans 50. The Xetra Dutch Stars segment launched on November 12 comprises the seven Dutch stocks in the Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 index. About 1.3 billion euros in volume has been traded in the Xetra US Stars and some 211.6 million euros in the Xetra Dutch Stars since the respective segments were launched. The Xetra US Stars currently have a market share of about 26 percent; before the segment was launched, trading in these equities made up about 5 percent of the market. Another 54 percent of the turnover in these stocks is posted in trading on the floor of the Frankfurt stock exchange (FWB Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse). The Xetra Dutch Stars market share has doubled since the segment launch, and currently amounts to about 42 percent; another 51 percent of the volume is posted on the Frankfurt trading floor.
Deutsche Börse was one of the most successful initial public offerings this year. Listed since February 9, 2001, with an offering price of 33.50 euros, the stock is currently trading at more than 42 euros, which is about 25 percent higher than the initial offering price. On December 14, 2001, the Deutsche Börse share hit its highest price so far at 43.60 euros. According to the order-book statistics, the most active DAX blue chip in 2001 was Siemens with a volume of some 108.3 billion euros in shares traded. The leading MDAX stock was Altana, with about 3.2 billion euros traded in its shares, the top Neuer Markt stock was Aixtron with some 3.4 billion euros in volume. In the SMAX (small-cap quality) segment, TFG ranked first with turnover of about 126.6 million euros in its shares.