The order-book statistics, which are based on single counting of all transactions in the order book of Xetra and in broker-supported trading on the floor, show that a total volume of 84.4 billion euros was traded in equities on the German stock exchanges in August. Of this total, 79.8 billion euros were traded in German equities, and 4.6 billion euros in international equities. In the domestic equities, roughly 92 percent of the turnover was posted through Xetra and another 5.5 percent in trading on the floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In the international equities, about 83 percent of the total volume was traded on Xetra and the Frankfurt trading floor.
A new record was set in Xetra trading of MDAX stocks in August: 77.2 percent of the total turnover in MDAX stocks was posted on Xetra; the previous record of 74.2 percent was set in May 2001.
Deutsche Telekom was the most active DAX blue chip in August with some 10.4 billion euros traded in its shares. Atlanta was the leading MDAX (mid-cap DAX) stock, with 438.5 million euros in shares traded. Aixtron was the top NEMAX 50 stock with turnover of 220.7 million euros in its shares. In the SMAX (small-cap quality) segment, Beru ranked first with volume of 14.5 million euros in shares traded. The highest-volume exchange-traded fund in August was the DAX EX with 1.5 billion euros in turnover. Cisco Systems was the most active U.S. issue with volume of 84 million euros in shares traded.