Order book statistics, which are based on a single counting of all transactions in the order book of Xetra and broker-supported trading on the floor, show that the German stock exchanges generated an equities turnover of €83.2 billion in October - an increase of around 15 percent on the previous month (September 2004: €72.4 billion). German equities accounted for € 78.7 billion of this total, with foreign equities comprising €4.5 billion.
About 98 percent of the volume traded in German equities in October was posted on Xetra and the floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In foreign equities, 80 percent of the volume was traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. 5.7 million transactions were executed on Xetra in October - a 12 percent rise m-o-m (September 2004: 5.1 million).
According to the Xetra liquidity measure (XLM), Siemens AG was the most liquid DAX® blue chip in October with 5 bp for an order volume of €100,000. Celesio was the most liquid MDAX® stock with 19 bp.
The most liquid equity-based exchange traded fund was the DAX EX with 4 bp. The most liquid foreign stock was Royal Dutch with 8 bp. XLM measures the liquidity in electronic securities trading based on the implicit transaction costs and is calculated for securities in continuous trading in basis points (1 bp = 0.01 percent) for the roundtrip in the Xetra order book.
The highest-turnover DAX equity on Xetra in October was Deutsche Telekom with €7.4 billion. Puma was the top-traded stock in the MDAX with €705.8 million. The SDAX® was led by Balda with €24.1 million, and T-Online topped the TecDAX® with €908 million. At €1.1 billion, DAXEX was once again the exchange traded fund with the largest turnover.
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