According to the order-book statistics, which are based on single countring of all transactions in the Xetra order book and broker-supported trading on the floor, the equities turnover on all German stock exchanges in August amounted to 69.2 billion euros; this corresponds to a decline in volume of about 33 percent compared with the month before (July 2002: 102.8 billion euros). Of the total volume traded in equities as a whole, 65.4 billion euros was posted in German equities, and some 3.7 billion euros in foreign equities. About 94 percent of the volume in domestic shares was traded through Xetra and another 4 percent in trading on the floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FWB Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse). In foreign shares, about 87 percent of the total volume was posted on Xetra and the Frankfurt trading floor.
In August, the Xetra share of trading in the DAX blue chips was about 97 percent. In the MDAX (mid-cap DAX), some 86 percent of the volume was traded on Xetra, some 59 percent of the SDAX (small-cap DAX) volume and about 73 percent of the volume in Neuer Markt stocks.
Allianz was the most active DAX blue chip on Xetra in August with 6.3 billion euros traded in its shares. Altana was the leading MDAX stock with 313 million euros in volume, and Singulus topped the list of Neuer Markt stocks with 114 million euros in shares traded. In the SMAX (small-cap quality) segment, Mannheimer ranked first with some 5 million euros in share turnover. The highest-volume exchange-traded fund in August was again the DAX EX with about 1.1 billion euros in turnover. Microsoft was the leading stock in the Xetra US Stars segment, with a volume of 36 million euros traded in its shares; Nokia ranked highest among the Xetra European Stars, with 620 million euros in volume traded. HEX BL Market Available For Unlisted Companies HEX opens a new BL Market for transparent and efficient trading of unlisted companies' securities. The BL Market is aimed for securities that have significant trading interest among investors.
As a public marketplace HEX's BL market enbables transparent pricing of securities. BL market extends HEX's extensive trading networks and efficient trading and clearing systems to companies and brokers.
A company is admitted to the BL Market on its own initiative or that of a specialist (a trading member or a listing manager). The BL market is aimed at investors acting in a professional manner, who recognize the special characteristics related to the BL Market and securities.