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Deutsche Börse Presents Policy Paper On A European Capital Markets Union

Date 11/02/2015

Deutsche Börse Group supports efforts to create a Capital Markets Union as proposed by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker. To this end, the company presented in Brussels a policy paper entitled “Principles of a European Capital Markets Union” - Deutsche Börse's contribution to the initial phase of the initiative for economic growth and greater efficiency in European capital markets.

The paper proposed six principles as basic guidelines to establish a functioning Capital Markets Union:
- Develop initiatives to revive investor confidence
- Improve non-bank funding to support economic growth
- Promote financial stability 
- Improve transparency for investors and supervisory authorities 
- Harmonise regulation and standards at European level to reduce barriers and complexity
- Shape the supporting regulatory and supervisory environment at European as well as global level

In line with these principles, the paper argues for enhanced and better integrated European financial markets to ensure sufficient long-term financing of the entire European economy. 

“Our policy paper stresses the link between the economy and the financial markets: a strong economy needs strong financial markets to finance its growth,” noted Reto Francioni, CEO of Deutsche Börse Group. “The Capital Markets Union is the logical consequence of and an important milestone in European integration, which has the potential to lay the foundation for a broader, more robust and efficient financial system.”