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Deutsche Bank UK Exit Plan "Not Surprising" - Dr Dennis Novy, University Of Warwick Economist

Date 19/05/2015

Dr Dennis Novy an economist from the University of Warwick commenting on Deutsche Bank reviewing whether to move parts of its British divisions to Germany if the UK leaves the EU, said:

"It is now clear that Britain will have an EU referendum. Businesses do not like uncertainty. Not surprisingly, many – like Deutsche Bank – are reviewing whether they should stay in Britain or move resources towards continental Europe. The key question is: What would an 'independent' Britain look like? We don't know. It would certainly be a much weaker player on the global stage.

"The EU is Britain's biggest trading partner. A crucial driver is joint regulation that doesn't differ much across countries, for instance in product standards. But differences in regulation would almost certainly grow once Britain left the EU. This would mean increasing compliance costs for many businesses."