Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Deutsche Bank Appointed As Official Market Maker To The SFE 30 Day Interbank Cash Rate Futures Contract

Date 12/08/2003

As part of the launch of the 30 Day Interbank Cash Rate Futures contract on Tuesday 12 August 2003, Sydney Futures Exchange is pleased to announce the appointment of Deutsche Bank AG as the Official Market Maker for the contract.

Deutsche Bank AG will provide two way prices for a minimum of 80% of the day trading session in all 12 monthly contracts, with the following maximum bid /offer spreads and volume:

Contract Months Maximum Bid / Offer Spread Minimum Volume per Side
Expiry month 1 - 3 4 ticks ( 2 basis points) 100 lots
Expiry month 4 - 6 6 ticks ( 3 basis points) 50 lots
Expiry month 7 - 12 10 ticks ( 5 basis points) 50 lots

Deutsche Bank will also provide end of day closing prices for the determination of mark to market margin calculations.

The continuous presence of Deutsche Bank AG as a Market Maker in the 30 Day Interbank Cash Rate Futures contract will provide for immediate price discovery in the newly listed contract as well as implied inter-month spread prices.

30 Day Interbank Cash Rate Futures will be effective in a variety of applications, including:

  • Managing daily cash exposures
  • Managing balance sheet mismatches
  • Hedging against anticipated fluctuations in the overnight cash rate
  • Outright trading on anticipated changes, or lack of changes, in the official cash rate.
  • Trading on changes in the shape of the yield curve
  • Spread trading against 90 Day Bank Bill Futures
  • Income enhancement opportunities for portfolios with cash exposures
The data vendor access codes for the new 30 Day Interbank Cash Rate Futures contract are provided below.

SFE Code
Bourse Data
FT Interactive Data
Day: AIB
Full: ASB
Moneyline Telerate Code
Moneyline Telerate Page
Reuters 2000
Full: 0#YIB:   Night: 0#1YIB:   Day: 0#2YIB:
Full: IBSmy   Night: IBmy   Day: IBmy
3,IBym ,359
Thomson Financial

More detailed information on the 30 Day Interbank Cash Rate Futures contract is available on Sydney Futures Exchange is a wholly owned subsidiary of SFE Corporation Limited. SFE provides exchange-traded and over-the-counter financial services for investors globally. Fully electronic and with 24-hour trading capability, SFE offers trading products for investment and risk management and disseminates market data and information. SFE Clearing is the fully owned clearing and settlement arm of SFE Corporation Limited, and provides central counterparty clearing, central securities depository and cash settlement services.

Deutsche Bank AG

With roughly € 851 billion in assets and approximately 69,300 employees, Deutsche Bank offers its 13 million clients unparalleled financial services in 76 countries throughout the world. Deutsche Bank competes to be the leading global provider of financial solutions for demanding clients creating exceptional value for its shareholders and people. Deutsche Bank ranks among the global leaders in corporate banking and securities, transaction banking, asset management, and private wealth management. In Australasia Deutsche Bank is ranked amongst the leading investment banks in all area of its business.