Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Deutsche Bank AG London Becomes An ICEX Member

Date 18/06/2004

The ICEX Board of Directors has approved Deutsche Bank AG London as an ICEX member. This brings the number of ICEX Members to 20, including two remote members. Deutsche Bank’s application precedes the Bank’s participation in the issuing of new housing mortgages to be launched by the Icelandic Housing Financing Fund as of 1 July this year, replacing the former housing bonds and housing authority bonds.

Deutsche Bank AG is already a member of the other NOREX Exchanges, i.e. in Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm. Deutsche Bank’s trading and communications will be handled through the Bank’s London branch, where it has access to the SAXESS trading system.

“This is an important step forward for the Icelandic market,” Thordur Fridjonsson, CEO and President of ICEX pointed out. “Deutsche Bank’s membership opens up easy access to the market by foreign investors. We anticipate that this will mean a further increase in trading by foreign investors in Icelandic securities, and boost liquidity on the market. We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new ICEX member.”