Mathias Hlubek, chief financial officer of Deutsche Börse AG, said: "The figures for the first nine months exceed our expectations. In spite of the traditionally weaker fourth quarter, we are confident that we will be able to achieve our targets for the year as a whole."
As in the previous quarters, the segmental reporting shows different trends in the Xetra (cash market) and Eurex (derivatives market) segments. In the Xetra segment, third-quarter EBIT remained stable with 6.3 million euros as compared with 6.4 million last year, in spite of a decline in sales, from 65.5 million euros to 58.2 million euros. Eurex, on the other hand, posted an increase in sales, from 37.5 million euros to 68.5 million euros, driving up EBIT from -4.6 million euros to 27.8 million euros. During the first nine months, EBIT from Eurex grew more than sevenfold to 83.9 million euros, whereas EBIT from Xetra halved to 30 million euros. The favorable trend in the Eurex segment reflects the significant increase in trading activity, especially the 131 percent growth in index derivatives. EBIT in the Xetra segment remained stable despite declining sales mainly due to the fact that third-quarter earnings in 2000 suffered from a change in the accounting for settlement notes following the foundation of BrainTrade as the operating company for the floor-trading systems.
EBIT for the year to date was stable in the Information Products segment at 11.4 million euros (a one-percent increase) and increased slightly in Systems to 77.2 million euros (a six percent increase). The Settlement segment, in which Deutsche Börse includes the earnings from its holdings in Clearstream International (50 percent) and Cedel International (one percent), contributed EBIT of 42.2 million euros in the first nine months, roughly 13 percent less than in the same period of last year. Further information from the Gruppe Deutsche Boerse is available under For questions, please give us a call under +49 - 69-2101-1500 or send an email to