"A growing number of private investors are relying on real-time data for their investment decisions - we are now offering this customer group an even more attractive and cheaper means of access to this information," said Christoph Lammersdorf, the Deutsche Börse Executive Board member responsible for the Information Products Division. With the new price model and Xetra Live, Deutsche Börse is expanding the share of private investors in its customer portfolio considerably and giving private investors the same quality of information as professional investors.
The distinct reduction in costs for the purchase of real-time data is clear from the following example: Xetra data with the five best bid and ask prices (quotes) from the order book can now be obtained for 12 euros instead of 30 euros per month and user. For Neuer Markt data with the five best bid and ask prices, Deutsche Börse will now be charging 8 euros instead of 18 euros.
The new retail price model is also the basis for the Xetra Live information screen. Xetra Live is an information screen that replicates the Xetra electronic trading system, allowing investors to look inside the Xetra order book and view the current order-book situation. The investment portal of Deutsche Börse, neuermarkt.com, ist the first partner to offer Xetra Live to private investors. neuermarkt.com went successfully live on Tuesday. Other partners will follow. A demo version of Xetra Live can be downloaded on the Internet at www.deutsche-boerse.com under the section Market Data.
About Information Products:
The preparation, dissemination and marketing of securities-specific information - traded prices and price quotations, turnover data, indices and trading statistics as well as key figures derived from this information are the focus of the Information Products Division of Deutsche Börse. The division provides its customers with comprehensive, independent and authentic information about the European capital market - information that is tailored to individual needs and makes movements in the market transparent. IP's customer spectrum ranges from information services and institutional investors to intermediaries and media as well as private investors.
IP is becoming increasingly active in the market as a service provider that makes available to its customers the methodological know-how necessary for the preparation and transmission of financial market information. This spectrum of services also encompasses B2B Internet solutions.