Deutsche Börse has stated that it wants to be a service provider and intermediary for Going and Being Public. The company is bundling its data and services in the individual rubrics of the Listing Center. The current product portfolio is to be expanded step by step to include the offerings of external service providers.
The Listing Center serves all users as a central, uniform and transparent communications and e-processing interface in one. "Going Public" contains information on venture capital, an IPO calendar and a guide for issuers. "Being Public" provides information about the criteria that have to be met by an exchange-listed company: the Investor Relations work and the stipulated ongoing obligations. "Facts&Figures" summarizes developments in the markets at Deutsche Börse such as new issues and new listings, the rating of Designated Sponsors, the ranking of lead managers as well as current statistics. News about the international capital markets can be found on the "Newsboard" with news, dates and events.
In addition, users have a central Support domain with exchange know-how at their disposal. The "Basics of the Stock Market" provides a general introduction, and more specific aspects in the "Stock Exchange A-Z", answers to the most common queries on Going &Being Public are given in "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) and a collection of links leads to further literature and reference material on the Internet. Moreover, users can access a publications database and download rules and regulations for the market segments and current circulars of Deutsche Börse, among other things.
The Listing Center can be contacted by means of the E-Mail Response Service to or the Listing Center Hotline: phone +49-(0)69-2101-1990.