Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Deutsche Börse: Eurex: Contract Renewed For Another 10 Years - Successful Cooperation Between Deutsche Börse And SWX Swiss Exchange

Date 26/05/2003

Deutsche Börse AG and SWX Swiss Exchange will continue their successful cooperation in the derivatives market: The two partners have renewed the contract for their joint derivatives market Eurex ahead of time for another 10 years until the end of 2014. The distribution of transaction fees and expenditure and thus profits of the world's largest derivatives exchange was revised and set at 85 percent for Deutsche Börse and 15 percent for SWX Swiss Exchange. Currently, Deutsche Börse receives 80 percent of the proceeds, and SWX 20 percent. These ratios reflect the two partners' contribution to the joint venture. The formal participating interests will remain at 50 percent each. The supervisory board of Eurex will be enlarged from nine to twelve members and Deutsche Börse will have seven representatives.

"We are continuing our successful strategic alliance knowing that together we can further reinforce our position as the world's most successful derivatives exchange in an international competitive environment," Deutsche Börse and SWX Swiss Exchange said.

Eurex was created in 1998 from the merger of the Swiss Futures and Options Exchange SOFFEX and DTB Deutsche Terminbörse and is now the leading marketplace worldwide for trading and clearing of derivatives transactions. The euro fixed-income products are the most liquid portfolio of capital market products worldwide. With a market share of more than 70 percent, Eurex is the leading market for European index derivatives. In 2002 Eurex also became the leading equity options exchange. Market participants from 650 locations around the world are currently connected to Eurex; Eurex thus has the largest participant network in the world.