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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Deutsche Börse And Bombay Stock Exchange To Cooperate On Stock Exchange Listings

Date 11/11/2008

Today, Deutsche Börse and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) signed a cooperation agreement at the German Equity Forum in Frankfurt aimed at closer collaboration in the field of stock exchange listings.

In the future, the BSE will provide local companies seeking a listing in Europe with information and advice and help them prepare for an IPO at Deutsche Börse. The partners plan to work together to advance the internationalization of the German and Indian financial markets, thereby opening them both to international investors and companies alike.

“The cooperation agreement governing joint listing activities between Deutsche Börse and the Bombay Stock Exchange is a further step in our long-term commitment to working together with the BSE. Through this, Deutsche Börse is continuing to expand its activities in India in order to reinforce its existing business relationships and seize new opportunities”, said Rainer Riess, Managing Director Cash Market Development at Deutsche Börse.

Back in 2007, Deutsche Börse and the BSE entered into a strategic partnership aimed at closer collaboration on a number of joint business activities in their respective markets. Deutsche Börse holds a five percent stake in the BSE.