Deutsche Börse: Actively Managed Funds In XTF Segment - Off To Successful Start - 3.07 Million Euros In Turnover On First Day
Date 21/11/2000
The first day of trading for the new, actively managed funds in the XTF trading segment was very successful, as Deutsche Börse reports: Volume of 3.07 million euros was traded in 11 listed products in Frankfurt on Monday, and more than 97 percent of the turnover in the newly listed fund products was posted through Xetra. On the first day of trading, the actively managed funds already achieved a more than 15 percent share of the total turnover in the segment, in which index products have been traded since April. The biotech equity fund was the most heavily traded fund share, with a volume of 1.24 million euros traded, followed by the fund for technoshares.