Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Denmark's Largest Introduction Of An Investment Fund - The Fund Is Admitted To The XtraMarked

Date 22/05/2003

On Monday 26 May, the greatest introduction ever of an investment fund will take place on the Exchange's XtraMarked for non-listed investment funds. This is not only the greatest introduction on the XtraMarked, but on the Danish market for investment funds in general.

Through the subscription the investment fund BankInvest Virksomheds-obligationer (Corporate Bonds) have been widely accepted and the value of investment certificates sold amounted to as much as DKK 2.8 billion.

Senior Vice President Peter Belling said: "Our strategy of establishing an efficient and transparent marketplace for non-listed investment funds has once again proved right. The Danish people are, as we have seen again, very interested in investment certificates. We are proud that we through the XtraMarked can now also offer investors easy trading access to more than 100 bonds issued by international corporations with relatively high credit ratings - and without credit risk that is. This record-breaking introduction further consolidates the XtraMarked's significance as the Danish marketplace for non-listed investment funds."

Throughout the day, investors may track BankInvest Virksomhedsobligationer (Corporate Bonds) as they may with the other funds listed on the XtraMarked at and the funds listed on the stock market at

"Being one of Denmark's largest issuer of investment certificates, it is crucial to us that our investors feel safe when trading our certificates. It is therefore only natural for us that BankInvest Virksomhedsobligationer are admitted to the XtraMarked together with our other bond-based funds. This adds yet another dimension to a tremendous success, which we are happy to share with the Copenhagen Stock Exchange" said Niels B. Thuesen, CEO and Manager, BankInvest.

Since the XtraMarked opened in March 2002, the number of funds admitted has risen from 40 to 59, and the value of listed funds totals some DKK 33 billion including BankInvest Virksomhedsobligationer, up from DKK 23 billion at end-March 2002.

During the first four months of the year, the value of trading on the XtraMarked amounted to a daily DKK 137 million, which is more than 60 per cent higher than the average daily trading volume of investment funds listed on the stock market. On the equity market the value of average daily trading amounted to just under DKK 1.3 billion during the first four months.