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Delegates Prioritise Quality Over Price When Studying For The CFA® - Survey By 7city Learning Reveals 85% Of Respondents Feel That In A Post-Recessionary Environment, Quality Is The Most Important Factor In Selecting A Training Provider

Date 16/08/2010

7city Learning’s annual survey of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) program delegates reveals that 85% of respondents rate tuition quality as the most important factor in their decision making process when selecting a training provider, regardless of price. An equally substantial 61% consider price to be the least important. The results expose a shift in attitude to the ‘quality vs. price’ balance as delegates consider the value of high quality educational training.

Since it was founded 10 years ago, 7city has seen a consistent increase in the number of delegates taking financial training courses, and the quality of training providers and tutors has become a primary focus post-crisis. 2009 figures revealed that only 38.8% of delegates rated tuition quality as the most important factor when selecting a training provider. It has become evident that the financial crisis has spurred an increased desire amongst employees to further their qualifications through educational training. 62.4% of delegates feel that certification through exams is more important post-crisis highlighting an increased appetite for training to further enhance career opportunities.

The survey also produced other interesting results, revealing the importance of references for training providers:

  • 85.9% consider recommendation from peers as the most valuable resource for selecting a provider
  • 90% of delegates rated online technology as a vital element of the CFA® course compared with 45% in 2009.

Richard Fernand, Global Head of CFA® training for 7city Learning, said: “It is gratifying to see statistical evidence that supports the importance of high quality training. This year we have had more than 2000 delegates for the June 2010 examinations. Our delegates realise that first and foremost, distinguishing oneself from their peers by attaining the CFA® charter is the ultimate goal in a competitive, post-recessionary environment. Many of our delegates tell me that they want to make sure that they do it right the first time.”

Jonathan Shaw , Chief Learning Officer, 7city Learning, says, “As the financial markets become more sophisticated and diverse, the demand for financial training has been steadily increasing and it is positive to see that delegates are not prepared to sacrifice their chances of receiving the best quality of education for a lower price. 7city’s CFA® training numbers have seen a 7% year on year growth, and this combined with delegates’ determination to receive the best financial training fills me with confidence that there will be a number of successful graduates in the years to come.”