The following definitive changes will be made to the composition of the AEX index as of 4 March 2002, provided that in the interim period no mergers or acquisitions take place, no changes occur in the free-float percentage of the constituent shares, and none of these shares are delisted or re-admitted on the Official Market.
- Van der Moolen and CMG will be included in the AEX index.
- United Pan-Europe Communications (due to the special listing regime) and Versatel Telecom International will no longer be included in the AEX index.
- Versatel Telecom International, Fugro, Imtech, and Koninklijke Volker Wessels Stevin will be included in the Amsterdam Midkap index.
- Van der Moolen, CMG, BE Semiconductor Industries and Landis Group will no longer be included in the Amsterdam Midkap index.
Publication of annual value of turnover data of companies listed at Euronext Amsterdam for 2001 and onwards; use of annual value of turnover data to compile indices
Publication of annual value of turnover data for 2002
The migration from the TSA trading system to NSC that took place on 29 October 2001 will affect the way in which annual value of turnover of companies listed at Euronext Amsterdam is published from 2002 onwards. First, value of turnover generated via the electronic order book will be published on a single-count basis (this was done on a double-count basis in TSA). Second, value of turnover of companies listed at Euronext Amsterdam which is generated outside the electronic order book but still on the regulated market no longer be added to the value of turnover from the electronic order book but will be published separately.