The shareholders approved the activities of TSE in year 2000, and adopted the 2000 financial reports, management report and auditor’s report. The reports are published in the TSE yearbook, available on TSE internet homepage at, under General/Publications subsection.
The shareholders decided to transfer 5% of EEK 1.49 million net profit posted by TSE in year 2000 to the account of mandatory legal reserve, and the remaining amount to the account of retained earnings. The shareholders elected Urmas Kaarlep and Aivar Kangust of PriceWaterhouseCoopers to audit the financial reports of TSE in 2001 financial year.
The AGM elected Raino Paron (law office Raidla & Partnerid), Sten Luiga (law office Luiga & Mugu), Joel Aasmäe (Lõhmus, Haavel & Viisemann) and Võteli Maran (Sampo Pank) as members of the Council of the TSE Court of Arbitration. The other four members for tenure of two years will be appointed by the Securities Inspectorate.