Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

d-cyphaTrade Financial Year 2009/10 Review

Date 22/07/2010

FY 2009/10 prices for base load Calendar 2011 products declined for all states. This was due in part to moderate pool prices as a result of additional supply coming on line in QLD (utilising surplus gas), and carbon being priced out of the forward curve with the indefinite delay in the Emissions Trading Scheme.

Liquidity grew by 32% this financial year 2009/2010 to trade just shy of 400 million MWh. Volume was the equivalent to 204% of the underlying NEM system demand with a face value of over $16.4 billion dollars. Open interest grew by 38% during the year.

Option volume exceeded 50% of annual underlying NEM physical demand for the 2nd consecutive year.

Click here for your copy of Energy Focus 2009/10.