Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Cyprus Stock Exchange May Statistics

Date 04/07/2000

During May there was a slight decrease in the General Price Index and also in the value of shares traded compared to April.

On the last day of the month the General Price Index was 535.21 points. The highest level that the Index reached for the month was 556.88 points. On a sectoral level, sub-indices reached the following points: Banking sector 654.15%, Approval Investment companies sector 363.47%, Insurance companies sector 384.88%, Manufacturing sector 183.54%, Tourism sector 473.69%, Trading sector 214.06% and the Other Companies sector 583.64%.

The total market capitalisation (shares) reached CYP9,919 billion from CYP10,037 billion the previous month registering a decrease of 1.17%. According to this months results the Banking sector accounted for 59.93% of the total market capitalisation, the Miscellaneous Companies sector 16.67%, the Tourism sector 7.02%, the Trading sector 5.62%, the Manufacturing sector 4.17%, the Approved Investment Companies sector 5.63% and the insurance sector 0.97% respectively of the total market capitalisation. The total market capitalisation including the Corporate and Government bonds declined to CYP11,635 billion compared to CYP11,757 billion the previous month registering a decrease of 10.4%.

The total value of transactions during the month in review reached CYP750 million with an average of CYP34 million per trading session. The Miscellaneous sector contributed 40.58% of the total value traded which was the highest, whereas Government Bonds had the lowest contribution with 0.01%.

Investors primarily focussed their interest on the shares of Louis Cruise Lines Ltd. and the L.K. Globalsoft Co. Ltd. with 10.0% and 8.22% respectively.

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