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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Correspondence: Letters To The UK Financial Conduct Authority And UK Prudential Regulation Authority Requesting A Report On The Mutuals Sector Landscape

Date 14/11/2024

Letters from the Economic Secretary to the Treasury to the CEOs of the FCA and PRA requesting a report on the current mutuals landscape.


Letter to the FCA on mutuals reporting (PDF)

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Letter to the PRA on mutuals reporting (PDF)

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The Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Tulip Siddiq MP, has written to the CEOs of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) requesting the regulators consider producing a report assessing the current mutuals landscape before the end of 2025.

This report would aid the government and regulators’ consideration of how best to support the mutuals sector to drive inclusive growth across the UK.