Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Change In Weighting Of A.P Møller Shares In Indices As A Result Of The Formation Of A.P.Møller - Mærsk A/S

Date 13/06/2003

As from Monday 16 June, A.P. Moller - Mwrsk A and A.P. Moller - Mærsk B will be traded for the first time on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange as a consequence of the merger between D/S 1912 and D/S Svendborg.

As from Monday moming all affected indices will be adjusted. This will affect the weighting in especially three indices: KFX, the capped versions of the KBX Benchmark Index and the KAX All-share Index. The weighting of the A.P. Moller - Mærsk shares in KBXcap and KAXcap will amount to max. IO per cent compared with 20 per cent for the shares of the A.P. Moller group before the merger. The KFX Index will be adjusted on the basis of the average price of today (Friday 13 June), The adjustment will take effect on Monday 16 June 2003. As from 16 June, the KFX Index will have the following constituents:

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Company Volume of shares Isin
Carlsberg B 28,649,192 DKO010181759
Coloplast B  22,200,000 DKO010262674
Danske Bank 732,000,000 DKOO 1 0274414
Danisco 58,221,779 DKOO 1 0207497
DSV 20,770,206 DKO010262914
Group 4 Falck 88,862,400 DKOO 1 0291699
GN Great Nordic  219,775,063 DKO010272632
ISS 43,928,067 DKO010267046
Jyske Bank 37,500,000 DKO010258482
H. Lundbeek 233,741,985 DKO010287234
A.P. Moller-Mcursk B 2,197,800 DKOO]0244508
Nordea   431,567,482 SE0000427361
NEG Micon 26,711,027 DKO010253681
Novo Nordisk B 300,950,560  DKO010280817
Novozymes B  64,690,112 DKO010272129
TDC 216,459,540  DKO010253335
Topdanmark 26,893,125 DKO010259530
Vestas Wind Systems 105,003,966 DKO010268606
William Demant H.  74,712,906 DKO010268440

KBXcap and KAXcap will be adjusted on the basis of the closing values on Monday 16 June 2003.

The changes in K-BXcap and KAXcap will take effect on Wednesday 18 June 2003. The volume of shares for the companies affected by the re-capped KAX and KBX indices will be published on Tuesday 17 June.