Apart from minor adjustments and clarifications to the rules since the latest rules were published, chapter 3 has been updated with a modified version of the selection criteria in model 1.
The benchmark indices will be selected at level 2, i.e. industry-group level. To eliminate the smallest companies measured by turnover from the selection process the 30 per cent quantile calculated by the number of companies is removed. The index has a target of a minimum of 80 per cent free float adjusted industry group representation and, if not already selected, the 10 per cent most traded equity classes are still ensured a seat in the index. As from Thursday 12 April 2001, Stockholmsbörsen will introduce a new Benchmark Index with a base date of 31 December 1995 and a base value of 100. Copenhagen Stock Exchange will introduce their GICS classification and Benchmark Index on Friday 15 June 2001. The Oslo Stock Exchange will announce the introduction date of the new Benchmark Index after Easter and the introduction is expected to be within end of May.
See the rules: http://www.xcse.dk/uk/bestilling/pjecer/norex_index_1.pdf