Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange To Change The Time Of Publication Of Wholesale Trades In Danish Government Bonds

Date 04/11/2003

Today, Danmarks Nationalbank transferred wholesale trading in Danish government bonds to the electronic MTS trading system. MTS is used by the professional market participants when they trade European government bonds.

With the transfer to MTS the Danish brokers will face keener international competition. Internationally, publishing of major transactions is an unknown phenomenon, and to make sure that Danish brokers can trade government bonds within the same framework as the rest of Europe, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange is going to change the rules regulating publication of transactions involving more than DKK 3 million.

As of 1 December, all reported transactions from the telephone market or MTS involving more than DKK 3 million will only be published after the close of the trading day.

The new rules will help ensure that Danish brokers are not exposed to unfair competition. Thus, wholesale trades in government bonds will not be published until after 17:00, when the Exchange's trading system has closed. Members of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange shall continue to report transactions concluded outside the Exchange's trading system not later than 5 minutes after the transaction has been effected, consequently, the market surveillance will remain unchanged.