Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: The Exchange To Admit Foreign Investment Funds

Date 03/04/2003

The fund market in Denmark is changing rapidly. New funds arrive on the scene and as a consequence of changes in taxation of pension funds, etc, Danish pension savers may now invest in foreign funds. Today, foreign funds are primarily included in unit linked schemes.

The Copenhagen Stock Exchange has registered three funds of the Norwegian fund SKAGEN Fondene under unlisted funds in the Official List. This means that SKAGEN Fondene, like listed investment funds and investment funds on the XtraMarked, will report information, including intrinsic value and units in circulation from the three funds. The three funds are: SKAGEN Avkastning, SKAGEN Vekst and SKAGEN Global.

The Exchange offers no trading facilities, but distribution of information via the Official List and via the electronic distribution systems. A number of national and international redistributors of market information receive the information, including those distributing 'price list data' to Danish newspapers.

With the coming expanded distribution the information from the unlisted funds will have the same distribution network as listed funds or funds admitted to the Exchange's XtraMarked.

Senior Vice President Peter Belling said: "For some time now, we have been in contact with foreign funds that have demanded an efficient distribution solution similar to what we offer Danish investment funds. For foreign funds it is not traditional to effect stock exchange trading as we know it in Denmark, however, the Exchange's efficient distribution systems with many ramifications form the basis of a service to the investors with daily information on the value of the funds."

Chief Executive Officer Harald Espedal, SKAGEN Fondene, said: "We have chosen to be registered under unlisted funds in the Copenhagen Stock Exchange's Official List because the Exchange is the natural place for our funds to be registered. At the same time, the Exchange has an efficient distribution network, which is imperative if we are to provide the investors with information about our funds. Since the establishment in 1993, SKAGEN Fondene has been a star performer in Norway as a result of a consequent investment philosophy, strong community of interests with the customers and continuous follow-up. Our investments are based on companies that are undervalued and underanalysed. The fact that we are true to our investment philosophy has yielded good results for SKAGEN Fondene."