Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange Reaches New High Next Week With 15 Presentations

Date 15/08/2003

The listed companies to a still larger extent appeal to the investors via picture and sound. The month of August is the peak season for half-year results, which the listed companies are publishing right now.

Next week, the number of broadcasts via the Exchange's from the listed companies' presentations or teleconferences reach new highs with 15 transmissions. The transmissions are produced in co-operation with Streamworks, TDC and Netconnect.

Senior Vice President Peter Belling said: "With the Exchange has reached a prominent position in the field of investor presentations via the Internet. Among other things, this is due to the fact that we can fulfil the companies' different requirements to production and service from investor meetings held at the Exchange in co-operation with the Danish Society of Investment Professionals to teleconferences.

It is positive that so many companies now also communicate via the Internet and thus increase access to information for all investor groups, Danish as well as foreign. At the same time, the Danish equity market and the Exchange's website are strengthened as the digital meeting place for investors and listed companies."

Some webcasts will be accessible via the Internet at the same time as the presentation or the meeting is taking place, other webcasts will subsequently be made available at and via, the Exchange's stock market portal. In May 2002, the Exchange established a studio and entered the market for webcasting. Since then, we have produced more than 70 presentations, which have been played 86,000 times, and 20 per cent hereof have been played from abroad.

Next week's 15 webcasts at and will comprise the following companies:

  • SimCorp
  • DLH
  • DSV
  • Group4Falck
  • ISS
  • Brdr. Hartmann
  • NeuroSearch
  • GN Store Nord
  • Sjælsø Gruppen
  • Schouw & Co.
  • William Demant
  • Pharmexa
  • Jeudan
  • Maconomy
For further details, please visit or

For further information, please contact: senior vice president Peter Belling or e-business manager Anders Noltensmeier, tel. +45 33 93 33 66