Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Special Membership For Mortgage Banks

Date 22/09/2000

On 9 October 2000, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange introduces a special “mortgage membership” meant for the mortgage banks.

Today, three mortgage banks are affiliated to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange as “non-members with a special status”. This means that they must observe the same reporting rules as the member firms.

Like the present solution, a “mortgage membership” of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange places the member under an obligation to meet the same reporting rules as exchange members. Moreover, a “mortgage membership” grants members access to a special mortgage issue sub-market, where mortgage bonds are sold at auctions. Unlike “proper” exchange members, mortgage members will not be able to place orders into other sub-markets.

The “mortgage membership” will be established with effect from 9 October 2000, when bonds are transferred to the SAXESS trading system.