Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Refinancing Of Mortgages Contributed To The Highest Bond Trading Volume Of The Year, Whereas The Share Trading Volume Was On A Par With August 2001

Date 04/09/2002

The value of average daily trading in shares and unit trust certificates amounted to just under DKK 1.5 billion, which was the same level as in August 2001. Turnover in the KFX shares advanced by 12 per cent.

Novo Nordisk was the most actively traded share in August with a turnover of DKK 6.4 billion, followed by Danske Bank and TDC with a turnover of DKK 4.6 billion and DKK 3.7 billion, respectively.

August is the peak period for the companies' interim reports, and the Exchange received 181 reports throughout the month. Especially two shares recorded an increase in turnover due to the publication of interim reports - viz. Vestas Wind Systems with a turnover of DKK 3.5 billion - a rise of 76 per cent on July and D/S 1912 B with a turnover of DKK 1.3 billion - a rise of 51 per cent compared with a month earlier.

The KFX Index gained 3.1 per cent in August 2002, however, the development in share prices varied considerably. Thus, three KFX shares rose by more than 10 per cent, whereas two fell by more than 10 per cent. The free float adjusted KBX Index gained 2.9 per cent.

Trading in unit trust certificates was slow in August 2002 - a fall of 41 per cent as against the previous month. The decline was distributed evenly across the funds and investment areas. The most active funds were Carnegie W.W./Globale Aktier and Danske Invest Stabil CDOB with DKK 107 million and DKK 69 million, respectively.

Bond trading totalled DKK 635.2 billion and was the highest monthly turnover of this year, corresponding to a 58 per cent rise on July 2002. The bustling activity on the bond market was a result of the refinancing wave caused by the low rate of interest. The mortgage bond trading volume was exceptionally high as it rose by 86 per cent compared with last month to DKK 351 billion. Trading in government bonds advanced by 37 per cent to DKK 226 billion.

At the end of August 2002, the volume of bonds in circulation amounted to DKK 2,171 billion in market value, which was approx. the same level as last month and August 2001.

Derivatives trading saw new highs in August with 49,737 contracts, which was the highest turnover reached this year, up 10 per cent on July 2002. Turnover in August 2002 was 20 per cent higher than the corresponding month last year - a rise which was attributable to an increase in the turnover of share options. Thus, turnover in share options and share futures rose by 34 per cent, while turnover in KFX futures and options rose by 6 per cent compared with August 2001.

Trading on the XtraMarked for unlisted unit trust certificates amounted to DKK 1.2 billion, a rise of DKK 48 million compared with last month.