Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Professional Information To Private Investors

Date 30/09/2003

On 1 January 2004, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange introduces a new realtime product - stock exchange quotations with order depth in 5 levels. This means that also private investors may track the five best prices on both bid and ask orders in the trading system and at the same time get information about the total volume on each level.

Banks and other vendors of market information will offer the new real-time product. The monthly royalty fee payable by the vendors to the Exchange for redistribution to private investors will only be DKK 100, whereas the royalty fee for distribution to professional investors is DKK 290. The customers that receive market information may, however, expect an additional charge from the vendors.

Like the Exchange's other market information products, the product covers: shares, share derivatives, bonds and investment funds on both the stock market and the XtraMarked.

"The extension of internet trading among the investors and especially the positive development of the order depth of particularly the 50 MidCap+ and SmallCap+ companies make the new product even more relevant. I am convinced that 'stock exchange quotations with order depth' will contribute to the strengthening of the investment culture and the trading directly on the Exchange", said Senior Vice President Peter Belling.

"Now that Stocknet has been active in lowering the brokerage fees for private investors' trading in shares, it is positive to see that the Copenhagen Stock Exchange also reduces their prices of real-time information significantly - to a level that market information is now cheaper in Denmark than in Sweden," said Bjørn Sibbern, Head of Trading in Stocknet. 30 September 2003